Where did you study and what was the course title?
I studied at Duncan of Jordanstone college of Art and Design at The University of Dundee. My degree is Product design BSc Hons. Course tutor: Dr Andrew Cook
Mission statement
"I’m a designer with a keen passion for improving the quality of life through design. I enjoy using colour as a means of communicating throughout my designs."
How did you feel about winning a Colour in Design Award – what does it mean to you?
I was shocked! I had no idea when I submitted my project for the Colour in Design Award that I would be shortlisted, let alone awarded as one of their “ones to watch”. So I was definitely shocked but also really honoured. It’s so rewarding to see your work being recognised in this way, it makes me really proud of all the time and effort I have put in so far.

What inspires your creative process?
Everyday life. My project Saor was inspired by living my life, daily with Type 1 Diabetes but in all my projects I take inspiration from the everyday things we get up to and see. A lot of my colour choices in life are inspired by people, occasions and nature.
What do you want to do next?
Design and Create. I’m currently looking for jobs in Edinburgh in which I can be designing and making things that have an impact on people’s lives, whether this be small products or big spaces, I just want to design to make a difference. I also want to be working on Saor too and seeing what I can do to further develop it.

Creative High Point?
My creative high point has got to be the moment when all aspects of Saor came together. From sketching out my ideas to having all the components in my hand, assembling them and then watching it light up my idea working, that has to be the best creative high point to date.
Creative Low Point?
It’s got to be Covid 19. Having our studio spaces, workshops and materials cut off just throws you completely. It did teach me a lot though and I’m very proud of the way my whole class adapted and still created some absolutely incredible work.

One person during your studies/life who has really made a difference to you?
I couldn’t pick just one. The first is Stuart Quigley, my high school art teacher. He encouraged me to really push myself when it came to my creative process. He was always on hand with new colour suggestions and technique to really help and inspire me to take my work in exciting new directions.
The second is Dr Andrew Cook, my lecturer and adviser for my honours project. Andrew sat and talked over my project numerous times with me, each time suggesting new ways I could develop it. He was always on hand for advice and to listen when something went wrong. Andrew taught me a lot about design, research and being your own motivation in a sole project and for that I cannot thank him enough!
Favourite colour?
Red. Not just any tone of red, it a specific one. I just love how versatile a colour red is and how it can make people feel a number of different things!
Image credits: All photos are taken by me
Email: seona.mackay@sky.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seonamackaypd/
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/seona-mackay-a98031200