Marcroy Smith is the founder of People of Print which began in 2008 as a highly successful online directory illustrators, designers and printers with the purpose of educating and inspiring a creative community. In 2013 he launched People of Print Ltd and unique creative community of art directors, project managers, graphic designers, illustrators and printmakers across the globe who help to deliver and execute innovative campaigns, foster media partnerships and stage events.
He has dedicated his career to the creative development and commerce through the medium of print and at every opportunity provides platforms for new designers to show off what they can do and find a market for their talents. He also gives designers and product makers the opportunity to sell online through the DEPSTO.RE Department Store marketplace.

Marcroy is also the author of ‘People of Print: Innovative, Independent Design and Illustration’ and publisher of two magazines: ‘Print Isn’t Dead’ and a monthly poster / magazine called Posterzine™ under the publishing name In Perpetuum